Book-binding Design Game making GameJam Hobbies Notebooks RPG Maker

I sort of suck at updating

It is an eternal issue I have had ever since I picked up a blog. I overthink it, and end up feeling like I never have anything I should blog about. It just seems like stuff no one would be interested in, which might be true. However, I have at least had some fun stuff going on lately.

I have tried about hundred different bullet journals and even travellers notebooks, and I failed both miserably. But hey, at least I tried. It wasn’t for me, now I will move on to something else. Like I decided that I am too dense to keep up with bullet journals, but I do like setting up stuff in them, so I will focus more on a sort of scrapbook/junk journal try at bullet journals. Not anything that needs to be updated and written down over time, but more like a travel journal. Maybe some to read or to do lists for the future, but nothing set to time and space XD.

Another thing I started doing that I really liked, and really felt like I did well, is book-binding. I got some watercolor paper, the right glue, and some wallpaper I got from a friend, and just went to town. I also did a hardcore project where I got a old book cover, and after binding all the paper, I spent a day spraying tea over all the pages to make it look old. I am quite proud over the results. Only issue is I have anxiety about starting on it cause I feel like it has to be perfect. But I think that is a usual problem.

Sadly I were stupid and didn’t close the lid of the glue well enough, and it dried up. And the store I bought it from won’t get it in stock again yet. But when it does, I will get some and more watercolor paper.

I also were really lucky, cause I asked at a local hardware store if they had any leftover wallpaper, and I were allowed into the basement where they have the giant sample books, I was then left there with a bin of books to go through and some scissors to cut out what I wanted. I spent almost an hour I think, and I had a bunch of pretty wallpaper to use on books in the future. The one I made was with glue from the hardware store, it was okay, but was a little too hard so I heard a crack when I laid the book flat a few days ago O.O.

Other things I have started doing that is far away from anything related to bujoing, dolls or book-binding, is that I have started to learning how to make games in GameMaker Studio 2. This is because I have signed up for a GameJam in some months, and I want to see if I can make a pixel horror game in the spirit of the classics (Ib and simillar). Worst case I don’t learn it fast enough, but then we have the glory that is RPG Maker, which I have the newest rendition of, and I have all the plugins and stuff I need to make at least a deacent game.

I also made my first RPG Maker game. I have used RPG Maker ever since RPG Maker XP, and I finally finished my first game, so go me. I will probably try to add it to a post so people can try it, but I am warning you all that it is horrible. There is also a chance it will crash if a route is blocked and I had three friends play it for me and they crashed it multiple times. I think they were trying to be nice and no one pointed out the writing was horrible and the story made no sense XD. I tried to be deep, but failed big time. But it was my first game, and I actually felt really proud.

But this is a short post for now, and I will try my best to post more soon. Cause I do actually have a lot I can write about. First I will try to get out a post about the GameJam, and my horrible, horrible game.

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